Thursday, June 6, 2013

Hard Disk Cloning - Data Recovery

Okay, you can use various Linux commands that can be used to clone the hard drive. This can be helpful while recovering data.


The simplest program to clone.


dd if=/dev/sda/ of=/dev/sdb

It will copy partition table and boot loader and all partitions within this disk

Here "if" option specifies your input and "of" specifies your output.
Make sure that both hard disks are of the same size.

How to get the status of disk cloning. Open a new terminal and issue the following commands.

# pgrep -l dd
56452 dd

# kill -USR1 56452 

Here the first command will out put the process id of the dd command and the second command will make dd throw the output in the same shell where its running.

Hope it helps.

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